Thursday, 16 June 2011

Goodbye AdSense

Well, as you may noticed, the captain is no longer sponsored by AdSense since they tought something fishy was happening here. No go with appealing so I'm done with them, even though I never recieved a dime from them. Any recommendation from a similar service would be appreciated.

In the mean time I'll share with you a video that always makes me happy. Enjoy:

I know some of you will miss the video but it's for a greater good. (Sorry AdBrite =P)


  1. GOD BLESS NICE TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Here is a link to six alternatives. Been saving it in case of emergencies lol

  3. You know you have great boobs when guys ask you “Can I fuck your boobs?” Versus” Can I have sex with your vagina?”

  4. Awesome video :)
    Sorry to hear about AdSense being stupid, you're the 3rd person that I follow to be shut down by them in the past couple days, I'm scared for mine :c

  5. yeah just been shut down, they must have being having a big indiscriminate crackdown. funny how they decide your blog is unworthy of money just before they have to pay you. no evidence, no proper appeal...have switched to ad brite, bit vertiser and amazon associates. wish i'd switched sooner!

  6. Thanks for the video... I feel quite uplifted :)

  7. Same happened here, if you send me your email, ill refer you to bidvertiser!

  8. @LoneIslander and kxxthanxx, your advice was very helpfull, many thanks to both of you.

    @Austin better be preppared

    @Kicking Rocks whish I had read your comment sooner to help ypu out using the referral, I've already logged into bidvertiser. Thanks for your concern.

  9. This is happening everywhere around me right now. Good luck

  10. Who DOESN'T love boobs and kittens? I ask you!

  11. Wow, that sucks man, I'm sorry, but thanks for the video.

  12. they shut me down too. 4 months of blogging with adsense and it took that amount of time to reach my first threshold. And just before they pay me they disabled my account.

    damn bastards got 4 months of free advertising

  13. Same thing happened to me...

  14. Did I miss some nice titty vid?! Damn!

    Also... I am sad to hear you lost your AdSense.. :/
    Try Project Wonderful. I am preparing a silly poems site and I will be using PW

  15. ihave no clue what adsense are but is anyone can help in telling me how to make money blogging please do you can find my email at my blog

    Everyday Life
